I had the opportunity to participate in TATA Jagriti Yatra in December 2008. It was a train trip with 400 youth of India to discover and unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of young Indians. I used it as an opportunity to promote the message of Quiet India--Horn Not Ok Please. 400 T-Shirts and stickers were distributed to participants coming from all corners of India. Media people on the train also took the notice. The T-shirts were subsidized through private sponsorships. It was a yet another effort to make No Noise a national issue. Intense debates and discussions on the issue were found taking place in train compartments. We managed to create enough Noise for a Quieter India, notwithstanding the fact that organizers of the Yatra were initially very apprehensive of the whole idea! Thanks to Jagriti Yatra Pune team who helped me with the entire operation--carrying 400 T-shirts and distributing them on a train was certainly a challenging experience!
for more infor on the Yatra visit: http://www.jagritiyatra.com/
Hey Vipul! First I have to congratulate you on this Campaign and the relevance of it... I was on the train with you and I got the t-shirt which I wear with pride and try to talk to people about your campaign... everyone Loves the shirt and its cleverness and agree with it or atleast they appear to... I'd like to know if there's a way to extend the campaign to Bangalore if its not already in place here...and also if the shirts could be distributed here... Its such a hit!